St. Maarten Netball Primary School Championship

St. Maarten Netball Primary School Championship

The Netball Primary School Competition opened with an exciting game between 2 teams, of which Hillside Christian School won the match. 

The Opening Ceremony began with teams from Pool A: St. Joseph, MAC John A Gumbs Team 1, M.G. de Weever, Hillside Christian, Leonard Connor, and Pool B: Sister Borgia, Seventh Day Adventist, Dr. M.L. King, MAC John A Gumbs Team 2 and MAC B.F. Maillard, marching into the Auditorium with their team’s banner.

Uplifting, and encouraging speeches were given by the Honorable Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports – Drs. Rudolf Samuel, President of SXM Olympic Federation – Aartwichgt Bell, Director of NSI – Michael Cornet and Guest speaker – Richard White Principal of MAC John A. Gumbs

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Below are the highlights of the ceremony and the match.