“We have seen tonight a display of unity, enthusiasm, creativity, and passion live performers from Guadeloupe all young and all talented. We have had a tremendous reception from the Guadeloupe people, the Guadeloupe Authority, and the Government of France. We have had unprecedented corporation amongst the thirty CANOC members. Against All Odds, We have created History!” These were the sentiments of President Brian Lewis as he officially declared the Inaugural Caribbean Games 2022 open.

He also highlighted that the journey to realizing this historic  moment was not always clear “They said it couldn’t be done, we had to overcome two pandemics in 2009 and then in 2002 but through it all, we stood on the shoulders of our ancestors and showed that unity is our strength and strength is our unity.”

The opening ceremony of the inarguable Caribbean Games was produced by Jannas MICHAËL, better known by his artist name “JEK”. The 33-year-old coordinated over 165 people, including 78 dancers and 97 musicians for the spectacular production.